jump the gateface the roadsound of M4 rushing& birds, in the trees, singing as I leave them.Leftpolice warning : thieves are targeting cradles
40taxicrow singing out of tunehedge to my left pushes me to the road-side of the pavementcloudy daysparrow crosses the roadgaining height gaining viewsholiday inn, mast, sand heaps& the picturesque farmflock of pigeons2 planes as if stationaryreach the bridge : metal and rubber barrier
monkey graffitiroar of trafficyellow - 550 yardsblue - heathrowgreen - holiday innsunbeams break throughgull pivots & pauses on the windblack spot of a kestrel hoveringannoying rush-rush-rush of cars the grey reverse of a motorway signdistracted - excited by a flock of brown birds& 4 ducks fly past'b-dump' of the metal rubber linefaded fence graffiti - brown on brownoff the bridgepower-walker passes mecheep-cheep,great tit in the hedgecall + response to one over the road2 crows in the stubble fieldyellow cyclistvans pass my right shouldergusty windyM4 sound behind me nowthe flock I saw isdancing over my headback + fortha delightracing pigeons behind are a different motionlow fat plane disappearsbehind low fat buildingsleylandii hedgingcold wind on my neckstop give wayprivate property keep outlondon concretegiant red barnplane angled up ata 23 degree trajectory2 round concrete blocksstop! I've found my brown flock resting in the thornbushes.bigger than sparrows?black + white fleck on the wing.buff, paler chest, grey head.bramblescarparklads trainingme eating sweetsa big silver birchcockney laughter around their vanlittle harlington playing fieldscafe on the greensun comes out, strongsant nirankari mandal :its line of conifers jarsthe sound of cars slowing to enter is gentle - a purr.white arch to nowherefigures hugging cups of teademonstrating a football kick40men arriving to playcones on the fielddouble yellow linesnettles + red berriesleafy green weedsa songbird properly going for it on a psytrance tip in the fieldspinning airport radar behindremains of a 'no 3rd runway' sign, broken in half on its lamp-postanother, the samea window on the playing field - men in blue bouncingline of poplars, sports bagsblack-headed gullstraight roadcracked tarmac pavementplanes appear ahead of meslowly float SW& over my right shoulder, past the singers- yes! a skylark !they slowly rise up + awaythe 1st loud take-off reaches my ears.where a dozen gulls walkabout the pitch, & the
small tractor is carting posts & nets about.a man walks past blowing his nose & I cross the road to a footpathpublic footpathH68gate swingon my left, green smooth pitchbehind me, the rustle of the trees that line the other side the road I've walked.ahead of me, engine noise, clouds, a gravel path & low hawthorn hedge
to my right, the stubble field of singers, in sunyellow stalks above green
my brown flock of dancerspass from pitch to field, singing all the whileshort tailsa conversation ahead - man on a bench?plastic bags & cans in the cropI kneel to writethe bench person is properly head banging?a sign points left,where 2 more are walkingfield closeboltons laneshe sighs as I walk pastcrazy right angleleft, then rightangle rightnow following the man, his dog & 2 sonsturning backshe is headbanging again.
a few oaks planted for the pathsmoking killsdr pepperskeleton grimaceas the wind is in my facesound of plastic flapping on a shed... & a plane take-off ...black shadow linesdock skeletonsman with headphonesthis footpath has brought so much litter into the fieldgrooved concrete, left turnremains of rope swings on the treea park, juicy greena choice at 2 wood benchesbig + dry to sit uponoverflowing bins left,I choose south, an arc.yellow + blue lichen spotson the odd pebbled path material
smoking killsman in turban coughs politelygrey beard + trainersmy camera now works intermittentlyI feel exposed - back windows watch the parkstands of small bare treesM4 now equal volume to airportexcept for sudden noiseburstspath is convex (domed)with a bright green mossy crack along it - I like it!birds here too, song + sunshinethen a powerburst of liftoffdip my cap to protect my eyesturn + see blue rich skythru a scrubby thicket with old tendrils'what the fuck are YOU?'- 2 squeaking kestrel-shaped birdsflew past right to left,but with long tails!?black against the skynice bark - pale + furrowed
tufty grass now - not manicured,with bramble patches& the path winds rightI'm still looked over by semis.an info board with old mapson it is spraypainted over- obscured
manicure again - now a round green with red dogwood bushes oddly set in a stone-circle-like arrangement of good wood benches & the songbird singing a delight above the hum of aircraft. I recall how birds sing louder if the background noise is high. peaceful here, but for the engines. back to graffiti'd creosoted fences & bright xanthoria on the brickwork
memory card full warning CCTV in operation sound of a voice inside a suburban house is strangely intimate loudest take-off yet private no parking I'd hate to live in this close expensive cars man sitting with the engine on - a rattly hum up Boltons lane, a black & white cat moves like a milk-cow maximum penalty £1000 sold let by weird stairs that go up between 2 front doors. permit holders only no loading at any time pigeonshit pile on the smash-doored metal box variegated ivy dangling CATV coughing man wearing a lanyard
a smell of gas, unpleasant
harvest morn & golden puffs in the window I stop to write on walls man in a grey T shirt on his mobile, smoking sound of the water under the ductile stanton & staveley odd roundabout
mondial way bramble patch on the corner full of litter that curious grey of municipal poles
doghurst avenue vs heathrow point now open - starbucks bramble tendril on the path geography like a complex of forts, now. axis house, staff carparks aviation business continuity zone ends cars slowly curve around me red post box curiously out of place - a tradititional model GR post office starbucks coffee now open renaissance hotel young woman in boots with a plastic bag I fancy her without even watching her. warning protected premises chugga engine noise as trucks & buses wait at the lights 423 quality airport parking 2 cyclists sail west look right [look left] look right [look left] pedestrians wait cross with care wind rockets down bath road & an incoming plane looks like it will use this as its landing strip taxi at any time more cyclists - must be a route. thick privet hedge trimmed to thigh height 6 flags - Japan, South Korea but I just still caught the burst of a songbird gone now, under traffic except buses I take the left turn to terminals 1,2,3,4
danger 230 volts no entry maximum height 12' 6" man adjusts his collar
bus advertises a diet
& switchover is coming I get a bit disorientated by the take-offs woman talks on her phone in a deep rolling accent don't take it out on our staff chewing gum circles on the small flagstones S102 S102A local only give way a gaggle of Indian men wait for their bus. waiting out of the wind, the stench of gas or sewage aha! texaco by the park inn, the giant billboard holder & a pine tree & a round pansied flowerbed create a weird, heavy ambience
formerly the ramada hotel lots of signs repeat woodpigeon flaps off daffodils on their way rapide 40 slideout nene road roundabout - 3 times now i've turned round to read it signs for carparking confuse me which direction now? at any time fences bar off the runways & pay carparks too the courtesy shuttle is bright yellow danger of death E E D E police station looks abandoned with its mirrored windows funny blue paint colour range rover when lights flash do not enter tunnel ER2 I wonder how much emirates paid to stick their plane sculpture on this roundabout coaches & a constant stream of black taxis spinning of the tower deep hum of pre-take-off really high lamppost short stay spaces
spaces use dipped head lights I'm tense now - paranoia making me imagine police suspecting me - after all I am acting like someone casing out the place a car beeped and I jumped.
uncanny entrance to the tunnel weird shaped prong no pedestrian access please return to bus stop & catch bus service for the central terminal area a relief - I shall skip the viewing platform now. main tunnel emergency smoke control panel exhaust-blackened concrete
red painted pipes SOS phone JCDecaux advert a bus called Samantha Lyndsey tunnel road east I reverse - no pavement police station concealed access sirens warning hazchem unexpected plaque about the triangulation of the British Isles, in grey outside the police station
colourful pansies in rectangular blocks except business at Police Station back to Nene Road roundabout tummy rumbles walk following my shadow now
5 T ZONE & follow the sign for Sipson I take a photo of the sign
& that smell of gas again At the corner of the police station, a plane tree is large with its pompoms & its patchy bark. I'm feeling really suspect now, like I'm being watched from the groundlevel windows of the police station. Like I should get out of here now. Imagining explaining my sketchpad under examination - cops unable to distinguish the 3 magpies (pub) Sipson A408 a flash of light
my dirty fingernails
traffic waiting, poised
a beep
a move-off,
like riders into open prairie
but with diesel engines
particulates and hiss another siren - a first response landrover. national express I'm sick of facing park inn. 2nd red man to wait for. Even he looks pissed off! A hat left on a post, I pick it up. The first response is back - it must have gone the wrong way, heads west A man sat on a fence - looks suspicious! young woman in a ridiculously flower-printed car. welcome to ncp heathrow airport parking no parking ivy co-op signs at the garage, pizza & pasta adverts tempting familiarity for the motorist red route clearway end I'm back on the 222 route. man holding his hat overtakes me. red double lines become yellow
litter along the fence & hedge & ivy just that few metres of distance, & having my back to it, has made me much more relaxed. My ears now face away, so the noise already feels reduced & I've been in this shop before - time for a samosa! street cross
2 crows flying
sovereign food + wines. the other end of doghurst lane meerkats used for a car security poster back on the road I know curving round grey car filth margin to the grass edge to the road. fence treated wth anti climb paint no wind a small gathering of st.mark's flies under a leylandii - in January?! parade of white lamp posts ahead of me.& a glimpse of that great big barn dead hanging baskets dangling
from a 'premises covered by cctv'
ugly white hotels's staircase shape
222 overtakes
patchwork of cloud then blue
overall darkening a little
lovely taste of grease & spice in my mouth
a cycle painted on the road in a green frame - but why? what message is it for?
outside lights ready too in the carpark
park inn parking tariff 1hr £2.00
permit holders
aircraft noise comes in stage left
sight of the holiday inn
sipson quarry
private property keep out
bridge over the motorway
cars parked in all available space
& below
I see paramedics, police,
I cross quickly because it's grim
luggage out,
ambulance, stretcher, woman
police discuss
a police dogs van turns in,
& I notice lots of police vehicles are parked here.
the sign for Sipson please drive slow,
& proper village people, carrying bags,
jogging, walking to the bus stop,
peace increases
profusion of orange berries
overhang the wall
garden sheds & loved gardens,
great variety of birds
easy pavement to walk on as I go on.
mon-sat 8am - 6.30pm
plastic water bottle
smart old lady, blinks & looks away from me
bright white bark of a birch
big gust of wind, leaves flutter & rustle
cul de sacs
rusty manhole cover
red dogpoop bin
chitterfield gate
no loading at any time
I turn round at the library only sign (painted white on the floor)
& see a plane taking off above the road
chimes in someone's garden
2 black cabs parked in a drive
chimneys & air vents, campervan & bodged fence fixes
zone ends
I recognise some vehicles as airport-related.
1 weedy lawn.
Some more knackered fences
cherry trees
rust & cracked paint
smell of hot clean hair from someone's bathroom
a baby's cry from another
man + son waiting at next bus stop
- people use the bus a lot here.
slow cyclist passes - he has a B.A.A. luminescent on
222 pulls up alongside me,
man + son get on.
matching joggers
I step aside for a ginger boy on a scooter to pass
a bright painted gate blue + yellow
post office shut red shutters (it's sunday!)
parish noticeboards & a BT call box.
overtaken by couple with a pram & 2 boys.
another pram comes past the other way - wave of smart young mother's perfume.
curious bent alder tree chopped up a bit but still let to live by the pavement - glad twisting.
giant tree rustling above me at junction with hollycroft close - what is it?
It still holds its grey leaves.
Next, a mighty oak has lost its.
These are the best trees of the village.
Its elders.
Now the church,
with the curryhouse + 'hair by jackie'
I take a photo of myself in the round mirror
One of them big calm gaps in traffic as I cross overman comes out of vineries close &'good how are you' to the manacross the street as he gets in his car to go.my suspicion of the sipson christian fellowshipa dropped suitcase tag on the floorsound of swishing from the turbine1 week old today!electricity box danger of deathwhite cat prowls pathetically by the coop childcare building.cars are arriving from over the bridge.the bike workshop sign had fallen over in the wind - I right it.The car's heading towards the modernity.I notice 2 girls in the veg patch& at the gates, I climb + jump back in.